Tuesday, January 22, 2013

What's our excuse- Only the Worthy Poor

WANTED: Clean Cut, Well Educated, Mentally Healthy, Sober, Gainfully Employed, Poor Person who is in desperate need of my generosity and wisdom.  Ability to pass a Criminal Background Check is A MUST.

It's like someone runs a cheese grater across my brain, seriously. "God helps those who help themselves."

I get the theory.  You want your money to go to a worthy cause.  Responsible giving, right?

If I am a Christian, then I must realize that the orders on my life to be generous and serve are pretty simple.  Christ never advocated for responsible giving. He said give. Period. No exceptions for us and no requirements from them.

Give to everyone, give to your enemies, give to the criminals. Give your clothes, your food, your time and your compassion. Give, give, give, give, give. I am truly thankful Jesus made it so simple, because I would tie myself into knots trying to decide who is worthy of my dollar.

Why do we allow our attitudes to become so hateful and prejudicial towards the poor?  Why do we fight the pull of our soul?

We don't want to be scammed. We don't want to be embarrassed. Is it really more responsible to give to a non-profit organization whose CEO is making hundreds of thousands of dollars a year? When we fall into the trap of second guessing our donations all the time, we will never give.  It's too easy to talk ourselves out of it and then forget that the need is real.  The pain and tears and desperation are out there waiting for our response.  

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